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Trans Dinarica Cycle Route

# The Western Balkans' First Cycle Route [**The Trans Dinarica Cycle route**]([]) **is the first and only cycle route to connect all eight countries of the Western Balkans.** The route — which links Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Serbia — prioritizes sustainable travel while visiting national parks, UNESCO sites, often-overlooked villages, and diverse points of cultural interest. In other words: The **Trans Dinarica** takes travelers deep into one of the most interesting and under-valued European regions, where adventure and culture are always connected. Designed for touring cyclists of all abilities (and best ridden with gravel bicycles), the **Trans Dinarica** provides adventurers a method to imbibe the region while discovering traditions — culinary, musical, and historical — with slow-travel intention. Combining quiet asphalt roads, macadam, and forest paths, the route is perfect for active travelers who want to engage with new places on two wheels during the day, and enjoy local cuisine, wine, and unique heritage every night. Many cycling stories, answers to questions and practical advice are available on the [Trans Dinarica Stories](, while world-known media have also discovered the cycling route - and sent their journalists to cycle there: we invite you to read the articles in several international travel magazines including [BBC](, [NYT](, [](, [National Geographic](, [Lonely Planet]( # The Trans Dinarica Navigation Pack This RWGPS account is a central repository of **Trans Dinarica** routes and tour Experiences. Users who purchase the Trans Dinarica [Navigation package]( have access to **premium navigation features**: * Tour Experience pages, including detailed routes with accurate surface data, a digital Guide, and numerous POIs (accommodation, food, bike services, water sources, dangerous sections, etc.) * Voice navigation for Tourism account routes in the Ride with GPS mobile app * Offline maps in the Ride with GPS mobile app * Advanced turn notifications with TCX files * GPS data downloads [Route Map]( | [About us]( | [Contact]( routes

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[**Občina Logatec**]( leži v osrčju **[Notranjske](** in obsega planote in polja na jugozahodu Ljubljanske kotline. Meji na občine Ajdovščina, Idrija, Postojna, Vrhnika in Žiri. Prostrani notranjski gozdovi, kraška polja, presihajoča jezera, neokrnjena narava... Vse to in še več je čudovito povabilo za spoznavanje lepot naših krajev tudi skozi aktivna doživetja, daleč stran od vrveža mestnega vsakdana, na [**kolesu**]( ali [**peš**]( Izbrane poti so pripravljene z namenom, da ponudimo GPS sledi, ki bodo obiskovalcem v pomoč pri samostojnem odkrivanju lepot naše občine in širše. **Turistični Ride with GPS portal obiskovalcem ponuja**: * prosto uporabo vseh objavljenih poti v [knjižnici]( (*Route Library*) ali [zbirki]( (*Collections*) oz. na spletni strani [Visit Logatec](; * aktivno glasovno vodenje vzdolž vseh objavljenih poti s pomočjo brezplačne RWGPS [mobilne aplikacije](; * uporabo navigacijskih podatkov in spletne karte znotraj RWGPS mobilne aplikacije v načinu brez povezave (*Offline Routes & Maps*); * prenos GPS podatkov in uporabo naprednih navigacijskih namigov s pomočjo TCX datotek. Vse, kar mora obiskovalec torej storiti, je [prenesti]( brezplačno mobilno aplikacijo, izbrati željeno pot in že je pripravljen za aktivno doživetje, na kolesu ali peš! **Za lažje učenje uporabe aplikacije je na voljo podrobna [spletna pomoč](*qal2z4*_ga*MTY3NjgyMDQ3My4xNzE2MzYyNTU0*_ga_6YLEX65R10*MTczMzMwOTIwMC40NDAuMS4xNzMzMzEwMzM5LjAuMC4w#).** ***Opozorilo**. Poti v naravi niso označene. Prostorski podatki o kolesarskih in pohodniških poteh so informativne narave in namenjeni kot pripomoček za lažjo navigacijo (s pomočjo ponujene aplikacije ali v obliki prenešenih GPS datotek). Po poteh kolesarite oz. hodite na lastno odgovornost.* © 2024, [Visit Logatec]( routes