Kyles Ford Riverside Ramble

Hancock County, TN, US

Resumen de ruta

29 km
212 m

This scenic route rambles along one of the most biologically significant rivers in the country - the Clinch River in Kyles Ford, TN. The Clinch River sustains 29 varieties of endangered freshwater mussels and 19 imperiled fish species, as well as important plants, mammals and birds along the river's edge. Sections of this river and landscape are under the care of the Nature Conservancy of Tennessee and the TN Wildlife Resources Agency. Watch for bald eagles, deer, turtles and other wildlife as you ride, and enjoy an array of historic barns, as well as quaint cabin rentals and campsites along the route. River Place on the Clinch serves as the perfect starting point for this riverside ride - they have an on-site restaurant and offer cabin rentals and kayak / tube rentals on the Clinch River.

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