Port Hope to Peterborough Passage

Port Hope, Ontario, CA

Route Overview

Waterfront Regeneration Trust

Routes along the waterfront for all your cycling needs

39 mi.
2,084 ft.

This tour includes three B’s—bakeries, breweries and beaches—and then some! Enjoy this 63 km ride from the Lake Ontario waterfront in Port Hope to Peterborough, the largest community on the historic and scenic Trent-Severn Waterway, with a stop in Millbrook along the way. A unique brewery and cycle-friendly cafe's provide perfect opportunities to get out of the saddle for a while and cool off or enjoy a perfect cup of coffee.

The tour can be completed in one day point-to-point tour, or as a two-day out-and-back with an overnight in Peterborough, with options to extend your trip. The Passage is a perfect gateway ride for a taste of the Kawarthas or of the Lake Ontario waterfront.

Looking to add a day for a long weekend ride? Consider adding another loop:
• Stay the night in Peterborough and cycle the local 45km Shimano Route 1A
• Reverse the ride and spend some time on the waterfront or in the Greenbelt with a ride on the Highland Hustle East or Bowmanville Boogie loops

Route Highlights:
• Three scenic and historic communities.
• Two heritage rivers (Otonabee and The Ganaraska)
• Exceptional bike-friendly breweries and cafe's and two beaches.
• Up to 3 Trent-Severn Waterway Locks (historic sites)
Route with plenty of options. Whether you start in Port Hope, or start in Peterborough you'll find a ton to explore, visit and experience, with numerous options to extend your stay for a longer cycle holiday.

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