Wydaho One Hundred Official

Teton County, ID, US

Aperçu de l'itinéraire

Destination Reroute

Adventure cycling & mixed terrain riding in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and beyond.

160 km
1 576 m

Nestled among three different mountain ranges is a beautiful valley that merges the states of Idaho and Wyoming; a valley we call home, a valley we call Wydaho. The Wydaho One Hundred route follows classic backroads of Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming, featuring the foothills of the Teton Range, looking into the depths of the Jedediah Smith Wilderness, and the rugged frontcountry of Horseshoe-Packsaddle Canyon in the Big Hole Mountains. This ride completes a 360-degree, 100-mile circumnavigation of Teton Valley, starting and ending in Victor, Idaho.


Détails de l'itinéraire

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